Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I am so not ready for prime time

On the Biggest Loser last week the at home contestants, two of them, made it back to the ranch. And the big point they were trying to say is that while they lost a ton of weight, they weren’t nearly as strong as the Ranchers. One of the things this dude named marty did was he grabbed this half ball like thing and was doing push ups with it. I don’t know how to describe this thing other than it is half an exerball on a plastic platform. Let me see if I can find a pic…

So Marty has it upside down and he’s grabbing it and doing push ups while Bob is saying, “Pop it!!! Make it POP!” as in not literally but bounce back, really push hard off of it and get up in the air. Needlesstosay, the at home guy, Jaron, has a tough time with it and the other guys are like, “Dude, we were so there when we got started. It’s no big deal.”

Then I’m watching the Biggest Loser exercise video extras and it has Suzy from the first season struggling to do this.

Okay, back to today…

I’m in the Spin class and there is one of those exerball things and I decide that I’m gonna try it. So after my work out I go into the empty room. I get on my knees. I turn the exerball thing over and get into the push up position.

I “pop” it.

I did it! Eh, no big deal. I must be better off than all those guys who couldn’t even do it once. Let me see…I’ll try it again…

I “pop” it, again.

This time, when I landed, my sweaty left hand slipped off and my elbow and pinky CRASH into the floor and the exerball thing hits me in the face!

Ah, so freaking hilarious! If only it could have been caught on tape, I’d had made Youtube hall of fame.

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