Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Day 35 and I'm feeling ALIVE

Man, what a great feeling to be taking initiative!  Last night, even though it was 10 PM I still got in one of the BL DVD workouts and shed 200 more calories.  Got up this morning and did the spin class and it rocked.

When I first started coming to the Y and especially the spin class, man it was kicking my butt!  Today I got in there early to test out bikes (they all have different resistance tendencies) to find one that would not be easy.  So I picked the hardest out of three and it was STILL easy.  So today, I took initiative and instead of letting the class direct my speed and effort, I led out and worked my butt off and it was GREAT.

Now, don’t get me wrong.   I wasn’t leading the class and no one was checking me out, going, “Check out Ken, he is rocking today!”  But by myself I knew I was really pushing it and that was cool.  So I busted out 500 calories in 40 minutes!

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