Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 1

Well, I did it. I got out there. Spent 45 minutes doing my best Bobby Reed impression by hitting the ARC trainer (or something) and doing the Hill interval at level 10.

Then I did 15 minutes on the regular ARC thing. And that pretty much sucked.

I also did a fat dude caliper test. 31% fatness, baby! Dude, I'm huge! The lady who helped me was kind enough to tell me that before they moved the percentages up a couple years ago, I would be considered obese. Niiiice.

My friend Bart Dick encouraged me to get the caliper test as a goal to get that number down.

Then I did some bench press, overhead press, dumbells, back extension, fly's and stuff to work on the upper body.

Matthew McNutt gave some great advice on what he started out doing with working out. The dude was working out 2 1/2 hours a day! 1 hour cardio, 1/2 hour weight lifting, both of those in the morning. Then getting another hour in, in the evening.

First, when he said he was excercising 2 1/2 hours, I was like, "NO WAY." But now that he's spelled it out, it seems pretty practical.

So that's what I tried to do. 90 minutes. Then, because I have church my night is pretty limited. But we had a fun day out with the middle school guys so we played basketball and other gym games for 90 minutes. Not intense, but more than sitting around.

Day one is done.

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