Friday, October 20, 2006

40 Days of Fitness

Alright, I've been slacking here so I'll bust out a quick update.

I'm still fat.

When I started this idea I lost 6 lbs the first week. I went to the official start day with the paper and told them my starting weight was 282.

Then I worked out for another week or so and then I had to roof my house. And that took so much energy out of me and I was so behind on work that I skipped the gym, didn't do my food log, nothing.

I weighed in...280. Whew! I thought I might have gained weight.

Then I gave an update to the paper and slightly fibbed. I feel so dumb that I couldn't tell them I'd only lost 2 lbs. So I said 8. Not really true.

It gets worse.

I weighed in on Wednesday...back to 282.

So I'm back to square one.

But there is hope.

My friend Matthew McNutt who has totally inspired me, lost over 50 lbs in the first 4 weeks of the Biggest Loser. After last week, he has now lost the most out of EVERYONE and he's not even on the ranch! So cool. What a stud.

My other friend Rob Danz, went on a 40 day fast and lost 50 lbs! I'm not ready to fast though. That is insane. I hope he didn't lose too much muscle.

Nevertheless, I figure I'm half way to the end of the Wichita's Biggest Loser. I got about 40 days or so. If I can spend the next 40 days, excercising and keeping my calories around 1500, man, I should have no problem making my 15 lb goal!

So that's what I'm doing. 40 Days of Fitness. Maybe that'll be the new title of a book I can write with Matt!

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