Thursday, October 26, 2006

165 and then some!

I got the Polar watch yesterday and brought it to the cycling class.  Other than feeling like I’m wearing a bra, it was cool.  My heart rate monitor was cool the whole time and I got to see how hard I was pushing it.  At one point I was just hovering around 158…and then 160…so I kicked it up and tried to get to 165.  It didn’t work.  But then, I hit it!  And I hit even more.  And the coolest thing about the watch (so far) is that when I was done it had my high of 167 and my average of 152.  So cool.  Don’t know if I’ll keep it yet, but so far it was pretty stinking cool.

Sidebar:  The watch barely fits my wrist.  Now, I know I’m a fatty, but please, make a watch for the fat guys to wear!!!

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