Well, today is the last day of the Eagle’s weight loss challenge. Here is the update I sent Karen.
From: Ken Rawson
Sent: Monday,
To: 'Karen Shideler'
Subject: RE: See you Monday!
Karen!!! While I am probably not going to end up as the winner, I just wanted to again, thank you for this opportunity! I don’t think I’d be 29 pounds lighter without your help! Thanks so much!
See below for the answers to the questions. And thanks again!
From: Karen Shideler
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:27 PM
To: Ken Rawson;
Subject: See you Monday!
I'm getting ready to leave the office for an out-of-town conference but will be back in plenty of time to see you at the Y on Monday -- Central Y, pix at 6:30 p.m. SHARP (if I have my way). I'll try to be there by 6.
PLEASE WEAR something you couldn't before or something you just feel great in. We decided boxy red T-shirts wouldn't be the best way to show off the new you!
Here's your homework. I'd love for you to e-mail me your responses sometime Monday or bring a printout with you. If not, you get to stay after class to chat with me!
1. How much did you lose? (Weigh anytime Monday for the final number). How did that compare with your goal?
[Ken Rawson] I lost a total of 23 pounds. I gained three pounds during the Thanksgiving holiday and lost those three pounds last week. So I’m still at 23. My goal was 15 so I feel great that I made my goal. I wish I would have treated this more seriously and really tried to lose as much as I could have. But losing weight is really so difficult!
2. How hard was it to lose weight? Did being part of this group make it harder or easier? Why?
[Ken Rawson] Waking up every morning at
3. Where do you go from here? Are you going to try to lose more, maintain what you've lost, or dig into something you've denied yourself for the past three months? What have you learned about what you need to do? (See Ken's blog, below)
[Ken Rawson] As previously noted I’ve joined the YMCA’s
4. What advice do you have for readers? This is the part I'd really like you to focus on, because this wrapup will also have sort of a "here's help for making your own New Year's resolutions" feel to it.
[Ken Rawson] 1. Join the Biggest loser challenge with KSN and Play it Again Sports. Just don’t lose as much weight as me so I can win the money. My sweet wife and I would like to adopt a baby and could really use that $5,000. So if you join, please sabotage yourself for my sake. I’ll really appreciate it.
2. Get involved with a group or find a friend to do this with. I’ve been doing a cycling class on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the Y and more times than they probably know, their encouragement, camaraderie, and friendship has been the motivation I needed to go workout.
3. Keep a food log and count your calories. Whenever I don’t do this, I slip up. I’ll eat stuff without thinking about it and I’ll eat bad stuff that won’t help me achieve my goal.
4. Get a workout DVD. Sure I look like a dork and I feel like a complete idiot doing exercise videos at home, but after I lose 400 calories and am a sweaty mess, I’m feeling pretty dang good!
5. Join a message board on the internet. Two message boards that I check out are http://boards.nbc.com/nbc/index.php?showforum=19 and http://boards.webmd.com/webx?50@103.ya6QaGyAP2D.3@.5987f41f. The first one is for the tv show The Biggest Loser and the second one is from WebMD. You’d be amazed at the stories out there of people who have really lost weight and become healthy. It’s so encouraging!!!
6. Get off the couch. Really. Just do something. Anything that you do is better than doing nothing. If you lose one measly pound a week, after a year, it looks pretty good! Take the stairs instead of the elevator, eat an orange instead of a bag of chips, skip the bread at Carabba’s, build a snowman with your kids, play with your spouse, whatever!
5. Anything else?
[Ken Rawson] While losing 23 pounds has not been as earth shattering as the people on the TV show “The Biggest Loser” the feeling of fitting in my clothes, moving my belt another notch, feeling great, living a healthier life for my kids and sweet wife, and watching the man on the inside slowly emerge from the man on the outside have been the greatest rewards so far. Thank you for taking a chance on this story and giving me an opportunity to not just share my life with other people, but providing the impetus of change that was so needed.
You rock!
If you haven't looked at Ken's blog lately, check it out. I especially liked this paragraph:
The bad news: Last time I weighed in, I was at 259. Today I am 262. That sucks. I wasn’t planning on gaining weight back. But I only worked out 3 times and I didn’t count my calories and I ate when stressed. I know better. If I don’t count calories, if I don’t physically write it down, I can’t control myself. And when I’m stressed, I need better methods of relief. I’m amazed at how weak willed I am and how easily I’ll go back to my fat self if I don’t take this seriously.
I don't see Ken as weak-willed at all -- and I am delighted at the insight he has about the necessity to take health seriously, and about what he needs to do to get there.
You all have been awesome. Thanks for all your help -- and see you Monday!
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